Do you know what is lurking in your cosmetics? Take a look…and tell your girlfriends!
1,4-dioxane: A known animal carcinogen and probable human carcinogen, according to the EPA. It’s also a byproduct of a petrochemical process known as “ethyoxlation,” which involves adding ethylene oxide (a toxin linked to breast cancer) to other chemicals to render them less harsh. More than 56 cosmetics ingredients are associated with 1,4-dioxane, including sodium laureth sulfate, sodium myreth sulfate, polyethylene glycol, and chemicals that end in “xynol,” “ceteareth” and “oleth.”
Aluminum chlorohydrate: An astringent used as a topical antiperspirant or topical body deodorant. Aluminum is a neurotoxin that alters the function of the blood-brain barrier, linking it to Alzheimer’s disease and cancer.
Ammonia: A compound used in hair dyes and bleaches. It releases a caustic, pungent gas that severely irritates the eyes and respiratory tract.
Dibutyl phthalate: A chemical plasticizer found in nail polish and mascara that helps prevent cracking. Studies have shown that it causes birth defects and harms male reproductive organs. DBP and other forms of phthalates are also frequently present in fragrances used in air fresheners, cleaning detergents, and hair sprays. A loophole in federal law allows phthalates to be included in fragrances without ever appearing on the product’s label, which means that phthalates are more ubiquitous than we realize. In September 2000, scientists at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found seven phthalates, including DBP, in the bodies of all 289 persons they tested. More alarming, however, was the fact that women of child-bearing age, who could conceivably be pregnant and expose their fetuses to dangerous toxins while in the womb, appeared to receive the highest exposures–up to 20 times more DBP than the average person, well above the federal safety standard.
Formaldehyde: A preservative and disinfectant classified by the EPA as a probable human carcinogen. Found in cosmetics such as mascara and eye shadows, formaldehyde can cause nausea, coughing, and asthma symptoms, as well as burning sensations in the eyes, nose, and throat.
Lead actetate: Although banned from use in cosmetics in the European Union, this lead compound, which is a known developmental and neurotoxin, can be found in hair dyes and cleansers in the United States.
Hydroquinone: A skin-bleaching chemical, as well as a possible carcinogen, neurotoxin, and skin sensitizer. Hydroquinone can cause a disfiguring skin disease called ochronosis, which results in irreversible black-blue lesions.
Mercury: Used as a preservative and antibacterial agent in cosmetics such as mascara, where it can be listed under the name “thimersoal,” mercury can damage brain function even at low levels. Mercury can be found in eye drops and certain imported skin-lightening creams, as well.
Nanoparticles: Largely untested, these extremely minuscule particles are usually undeclared on product labels, even though they can be absorbed directly into the bloodstream. You can find them in bronzers, eye shadows, sunscreens, and lotions.
Parabens (methylparaben, ethylparaben, butylparaben, isoparapben, etc.): The most common preservatives used in cosmetics to prevent bacterial and fungal growth. Parabens can mimic the hormone estrogen, which some studies show plays a role in the development breast cancer and urogenital abnormalities.
Triclosan: An antibacterial compound found in cleansers, deodorants and other cosmetic products that is classified by the EPA as a probable human carcinogen. Overuse could also result in strains of drug-resistant superbacteria.
Toluene: A solvent and nervous-system toxin found in some nail polishes. High amounts can affect kidneys and cause birth defects. It’s also used to dissolve paint and as an octane booster in gasoline fuels used in internal combustion engines. (taken from
Get back to basics, ladies. Did you know that Castor Oil is great for oily skin? Pour about two tablespoons into your palm and add a few drops of jojoba oil and massage onto your face. Leave on for about two minutes (relax.. go lay down!) soak a washcloth with hot water, place on skin and let it steam your pores open. Then lightly wipe away all oil! Trust me! It all comes off and your face is soft and lovely!!
Use coconut oil as a moisturizer instead of your lotion that contains drying alcohol.
Try brown sugar as an all over body scrub. Just add some coconut oil and you will be soft and smell delicious!
Whatever you put on your skin will travel to your liver in 60 seconds! Eeek! Ladies, lets love our liver!! Check-up your makeup and go natural…..naturally!