Drink a little too much over the weekend, did you? Well, this is where the “bratty little sister” comes out of me because I don’t drink and I TALK IN ALL CAPS JUST TO MESS WITH YOU!!
Ok…sorry. But I do want to help you out, my little saucy friend. You obviously found out a long time ago that alcohol invariably results in a hangover. But just how much alcohol is necessary to produce that hangover depends on the biochemical individuality of the person drinking and also what that person is drinking.
Distilled liquors, like whiskey and gin, have a more immediate impact than wine or beers. And did you know that all alcohol is absorbed more quickly when mixed with a carbonated beverage? Yup! Once it hits the bloodstream, the alcohol reaches the brain in minutes.
First acting as a stimulant, then a bit of euphoria, down a few more and then comes central nervous system depression and feelings of numbness and finally sleep or unconsciousness. THINK, PEOPLE! Drinking too rapidly, especially a large amount of alcohol, can be fatal.
According to Linda Page’s, Healthy Healing, “a hangover should be gone by five o’clock the next day. If it isn’t, you probably have alcohol poisoning. This severe type of hangover is alcohol poisoning with dehydration thrown in.”
Great. Now look what you’ve done.
Ok. Let’s just stop spinning for a moment and see what we need to do. First let’s see what she says about diet:
- Restabilize your body with Vitamin B rich, high fiber foods like brown rice and vegetables to soak up the alcohol. Add antioxidant foods like cruciferous veggies and soy foods to help detoxify.
- Drink cranberry juice to protect your liver.
- NO ‘hair of the dog’ drinks; they drag out a hangover. Eat crackers and honey at bedtime instead to burn up and soak up alcohol.
- Drink up several glasses of water at bedtime and in the morning to stave off a killer headache.
- Drink plenty of OJ and tomato juice. Fructose helps your body burn alcohol.
- Mix tomato juice, green and yellow onions, celery, parsley, hotpepper sauce, rosemary leaves, fennel seeds, basil, water, and Braggs’s Liquid Aminos. Drink straight down.
- Knudsen’s Very Veggie Spicy juice
- If you forgot to take off your makeup before you, literally, fell into bed (GASP) use a gentle remover, not soap.
- Be gentle, your skin is probably still puffy and sensitive
- Use an oil-free moisturizer or a tinted moisturizer. Blend with your fingers to start blood flow, while gently ‘piano tapping’ under eyes. Use a bronzing powder and stay away from pinks…don’t make it worse than it is, sweetie.
- Drink lots of water to wash away bloating and toxins and to replace the lost fluid
- If possible, try to get out into some sunlight and get some light exercise. It will work the alcohol out of your system by increasing your intake of oxygen.
- Refresh your face throughout the day by carrying a spritzer bottle filled with chamomile tea that is cooled. The chamomile will calm down the redness of your face and keep you hydrated.
- And for crying out loud, put on some sunglasses and bright lipstick.
Next time? Fake it.
Have sparkling water with a splash of cranberry juice…..nobody will know the difference and you will wake up looking fan-freaking-tastic!!! You’re welcome!!